Recalling of a story-lots of movies, good story line, but a bit boring after playing half of it...

User Rating: 7.5 | Overclocked: A History of Violence PC
The game is realatively good - very interesting storyline and gameplay at the beggining that unluckily becomes boring with time due to repeating of the same actions. The action/riddles comes to one thing - finding the way out/in/ finding smth...

The story line is in 'Memento' movie style - it goes from now till past - it is very interesting however may be also a bit difficult to follow. After finishing the game I still don't know what happened with kids and why they wanted to escape from the island... The plot has some holes.

The main character that we play is very interesting, it's psychological profile, behaviour, past - all of this is the main strenght of the game. It just feels good to play a character that is hidiing something dark and mysterious and loses it from time to time.

- interesting stroyline
- psychology of main chracter

- repeatable tasks
- some plot holes