The partial nudity, interesting style of play and the overall feel should satisfy most volleyball aficianados.

User Rating: 7.7 | Outlaw Volleyball Remixed PS2
An interesting olla podrida of mature themes (violence, sexual themes, double entendre japes, etc.) and an aggressive sport (as you can imagine volleyball). It is no ordinary sports game, however. If one feels extra violence is required (usually for replenishing the momentum meter, which increases your speed on the terrain) your adversaries will be delighted, sometimes even overjoyed to engage in simple melee combat. This can result in a loss, as your foes can obtain your momentum instead of vice versa, which is not a tremendous tragedy, although it will decrease the player’s performance to a certain extent. There is not storyline, though there a compensation: there is a considerable quantity of exotic environments ranging from a regular volleyball sand field to eerie Halloween court, to a backyard, to an eldritch, diabolical court in hell (after the game is completed). Characters are scantily clad and well diversified. They are all outlaws and have a distinct personality, whether saving whales, not showering, swinging, or plainly kicking ass. Each outfit complements its designated player: there are three main attire types per player, which branch out into varied tints of clothing. As far as the game mechanics are concerned, they work well – there are many drills, which improve the skills of the players. Serving, spiking, blocking and digging are all incorporated well into the drills, which require a balance of peripheral vision, quick reaction time and, quite frankly, some patience.
The one recurrent glitch that a player will, indubitably, stumble across in the game is a fault of the game that will definitely prove to be nettlesome. It occurs, almost always when the player is in control of one of the characters and the ball is directed towards the end line of the court. The ally, in some bizarre manner expects the game to lead his/her player to the end of the field, which ultimately leads to a loss of a point. Even diminishing the momentum meter wholly, it is still very difficult, if not unpossible to sprint all the way back to the ball when your teammate is in extremely close proximity to the ball. Luckily, at least at the start, an announcer remarks various jests, whether off-coloured or not, and manages to arouse the humour instinct of the player. After a fair while that become quite banal. Player reactions are also refreshing (effervescent females) but also lessen in quality after a fair while and become mundane.