Only the second game ever to scare me.

User Rating: 9 | Outlast PC
Since the original Silent Hill, which I loved, I've played many a survival horror game. Subsequent Silent Hills, the Resident Evil series, the Clocktower series, the Fatal Frame series, etc. etc. I've also played a number of indie horror games, including the famed Amnesia and Slender. Of them all, the original Silent Hill remained the only horror game to actually manage to scare me, until now. Outlast managed what I was beginning to think was impossible, and became only the second game to scare me yet. It's *that* good. While it might not have the atmosphere of the original Silent Hill, it does manage to mix atmosphere, being chased by terrifying enemies, and of course your traditional jumpscares, in such a way that the result is simply amazing. It doesn't get a perfect 10 because admittedly it could be a little longer. And it does sacrifice plot just a little for the scares (as most horror games do). But for a cheap indie game it's more than worth every cent you pay for it.