If you love baseball stats, historical replays, fictional leagues, or even online leagues then this game is for you.

User Rating: 9.3 | Out of the Park Baseball 2007 PC
This game is the game that every hardcore baseball junkie has been waiting for. There is so much stuff to do, that it is almost overwhelming. Thankfully there are tons of helpful tips and guides just by pressing F1. Gotta love that.

Anyways, this game takes last year's version and blows it away. It's faster, easier to navigate, and just overall better. The new league wizards can help anyone create the league they are looking for. New Historical Recalc provides more realistic historical stats and rating for the players. EXPANSION DRAFTS!!! What more can I say. So simple and what everyone has been waitng for. Anyways, I know this is kind of a crazy makes no sense review, but your best bet is to download the demo. If you don't like it, that's ok, but I think that 9 out of 10 baseball fanatics will love this game and all that it has. Great forums too, for all those people who need help or just want to talk about the game.

Oh yeah, one of the coolest thing in the game is FaceGen. In other words, the game can create faces for all your players if they don't have pictures. You can see your players age, get fat, and even grow and shave facial hair. Just adds more depth to the game and really makes you feel a part of it.