One of the most underappreciated games, and one of the best games to ever hit consoles

User Rating: 9.6 | Otogi: Hyakki Toubatsu Emaki XBOX
How can this be. The first Otogi was outstanding, a revolutionary game that know one even heard about. So I thought when Otogi 2 releases, the Otogi series will be known. I was wrong. Otogi 2 is one of the best games to hit Xbox and to ever even hit consoles, and no one knows about it. Its sad because not alot of people relished in this games beauty and nonstop action. This game plays just like the first one, but this time you can choose from 6 different warriors and have all new stages. You play as these warriors being sent to these lands to purge the land of all evil within its facinity. The game is gorgeous to look at, every thing in this game is beautiful. The lighting, the texturing, the character models and the environment all look gorgeous. The gameplay is extremely addictive and very, very satisfying. The environments are fully destructable, and you will be slamming enemies into walls like a pro. You have magic abilites that you can shoot out, but you will constantly have to kill enemies to keep yourself alive due to the fact that your life is all based around magic because you were brought back from the dead. And everytime you kill an enemy you get magic spheres that help keep you alive. Its very interesting how it works. I don't really have any flaws with this game what so ever other than the fact its kinda hard. Please, buy this game and realize how great it is. I hope that Sega will make an Otogi 3 no matter if they have stellar sales or not. Because I will continue to buy them as well as others who have played these phenominal games.