
User Rating: 7 | Otogi: Hyakki Toubatsu Emaki XBOX
Even though it only took me 12 hours to beat. I really liked this game. I honestly could not tell you whether I liked 1 or 2 better though. I would probably say I liked them both the same. I got to give the people that made this game there probs on there totally original enemy's and the fact that you can destroy just about and thing you see (rocks, trees, building's, ect ). Also the graphics and cut scenes are really cool. I only have a few complaints about it though. The story line was very different than any other game I've played but I just could not get into it and it's pretty much a button mashing game. Also the fact that it only took me 12 hours to beat was a bummer. But all and all it's defiantly worth checking out if you into those action type games.