The Ultimate 'Tude Game!

User Rating: 9.8 | Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan DS
Review for the Japanese import Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, not Elite Beat Agents

There has not been a game where I did not feel the slightest need to justify my purchase. At last, I've found it. Its name: Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan! This little rhythm trinket has created more scratches on my precious DS than all other games combined!

Ouendan is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. On the surface, it is a simple point-and-click style rhythm game not unlike others already on the market. Underneath is a extremely polished, humorous, accessible, fun, and most importantly blood-stirring orchestral experience that puts one's musical soul in flight! Helping people in distress has never been so much fun! I am willing to venture to say that general public's perception of the gaming industry would be far more positive were there more games like Ouendan!

Check out why it is one of the Readers' Choice Top Ten Rhythm Games:
Better yet, import it and experience the magic yourself. Words can hardly do this game justice. If there is one game you import from Japan, import Ouendan.

Well, what are you waiting for? Need motivation? Simply shout "OUENDA-N~~~!!!" ^O^