Ouendan isn't the easiest game to own a copy of, but it's definitely one of the best the Nintendo DS has to offer.

User Rating: 9 | Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan DS
Released in Japan for the Nintendo DS almost two years ago, Ouendan has became a cult classic on the system and was the sole reason why "Elite Beat Agents" came to be everywhere else. The game sees you tapping circles using the DS touch-screen to make your three manly cheerleaders dance to a selection of 15 cover J-Pop songs, as a way to solve the world's problems. From a school boy struggling with exams to a comet threatening humanity, "Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!" is one of handheld's strangest titles to date.

+ Touch-screen controls are clever, easy-to-understand and highly addictive.
+ Steady learning curve across four difficulty levels.
+ Easy-to-navigate menus, despite the Japanese text.
- Spinners might harm your touch screen, and your wrists.

+ Crazy but lively manga-style presentation.
+ Memorable character designs.
+ Superb cheerleader models.
- Some mild pixelation.
- Animations tend to look awkward ocassionally.

+ Brilliant soundtrack, featuring some fantadtic cover work.
+ Great use of sound effects.
- Songs do sometimes sound a bit muffled on the DS speakers.

+ Four difficulty levels, adding up to 60 levels to play through.
+ Rank systems increase replay value.
+ Enjoyable multiplayer mode, both in battle and co-op.
+ Outrageous sense of humor.
- Could of sone with a couple more songs.

When I first saw Ouendan, it looked unlike any other handheld game I've ever seen. When I played it, it felt like a dream, simply because this game is just too awesome for words. Granted, not everyone will want to play as badass cheerleaders in dark trenchcoats with tons of Japanese text flying at them, and that's too bad. This defines the word "addictive", and it's only helped by the fact that the game is just loaded with personality. It's make you laugh, it'll make you sweat and it might even make you cry. Ouendan just delivers an experience unlike any other game, handheld or otherwise. It may only be available in Japan, but that's no excuse, buy it now.