Operation Steel Tide: an average ok ok arcade sub-shooter

User Rating: 6 | Operation Steel Tide PC
Operation Steel TIde

Released in 2002 , 8 years down the lane this game does still provide some fun filled moments of arcade shooting.

* controls are relatively easy to master...ofcourse its a arcade game and not a simulation
*naval combat is fast and fun at times
*graphics can be said to be decent at best( its a 8 years old game!!!)
*audio is so-so ok

* levels are linear and there isnt much of re playability value
*levels mostly feel alike....it kills the fun after sometime
*there isnt much details about the storyline...which you are informed abt in the form of dialogues in your screen
*its straight shoot them up .....it doesnt give you a sense of being engaged in a real war

All in All.....its a nice time pass for a few hours at best...nothing that you will want to play again and again....a few tweaks here and there and it could have been a much better experience....anyways it still is a bit of fun