This game is adorable, just saying.

User Rating: 8.5 | Open Season GBA
It's been a while that I haven't played my GBA, so glad I end up playing this game. This is a very well done game, the graphics are incredible, smooth animations and really good feeling overall. It's a good platformer and incredibly adorable.

It follows the plot of the movie pretty close and it brings it all together pretty well, I just sat down and was able to finish this short game quite easily. You have a few upgrades to your abilities and they do come handy. There are a different arsenal of weapons (animals) that you have and they all work with a different purpose.

As a vegan and a gamer I am please with the game, it's good to get back to those hunters and have the wild animals have the final say. This is a cutesy Cable's game in reverse, of course, a good platformer and pretty good for small kids that are getting into video games. Yeah, I love this game.