Reconfigure the controls and youll have a great time.. or could get a gamepad

User Rating: 8.4 | Onimusha 3: Demon Siege PC
This is really a great game but it is probably somewhat better on the playstation only because of the controls. The worst part of this game for the pc is it is pretty much directly ported from the ps2, with the help menus and training levels showing you the buttons you would use on a ps2 controller. The default controls that the game is set at is pretty much impossible to play so you definatley will need to reconfigure the keys. Its pretty bad that they did this, it seems like a half assed port because of this but i had tried metal gear solid on the pc and they did the same thing as well. Other than that I had a great time with this game and had a hard time putting it down. The game is very addictive and very fun to play. The game is pretty much a hack n slash type game, with you controlling 3 different characters throughout the game. Some levels require you to transfer items through time portals to the other characters to activate different areas of the level which is a unique idea and pretty well implemented. The graphics in the game are very good and im sure are much better than the original ps2 version, with everything in high resolution. The characters all look great and the enemies do as well. The sound effects are alright but are not very loud for the most part with the music drowning out some of the sound effects. The music is very well done as well though but i think ive heard some of this music in another game before, it may have been soul calibur? The voice acting is pretty good in this game although some characters are better than others. The story is good although im not exactly sure what it was about for the most part. Some parts of the story were really sappy and made me cringe a little bit but it was still enjoyable. Overall if your up to reconfiguring a little bit of controls and dont have a ps2 i would definatley try this game.