girl on zombie action or so the ad says but its the game is really a hidden gem

User Rating: 8 | Oneechanbara Revolution WII
First thing is that i bought that game expecting an average game with zombies but ended up falling in love with a deep game

yes there is wiggle controls but with learning the cool combination attack then theres less waggle and more timing your attacks for better damage, and with blood sword/ rage it also has different gameplay, i love the blood sword idea the more zombies you kill the more blood gets on it and if you don't wipe the blood off after a while the sword will start to stick in the zombies.

i find them damn impressive the model's of zombies and good and all the different kind of enemy's and the stages look really good then theres the blood spots that come on the screen when you are cutting at a group of zombies.

i find it really good and setting perfect with the mood of the game.

the main game is around 5 hours or more for one of the main storys and with 4 girls that's just 20 hours for main story then theirs the quests 160 in all and the hidden rings to find i am sure theres at least 40 hours of gameplay if not more.