The 90's called and want their graphics back!

User Rating: 2 | Oneechanbara vorteX: Imichi o Tsugu Monotachi X360
If you played this and still go back for MORE, well,
what do they say about chicks who keep going back to abusive relationships?
They're not right in the head, and neither are you.

The ONLY redeeming factor this game has going for it is Hot Chicks killing Zombies.
If you can get off on this factor alone, then this is the game for you.

But if you require a game that actually has some of the more important qualities a game should have, like game play and story, Well, just stop reading because there's noting to see here.

No really....what are you still reading for....there's absolutely nothing right with this game.

It is essentially a clone(a horribly disfigured clone) of the popular Onimusha series, only worse graphics, smaller environments and a shallower attack system and with less enemies on screen at once.

The only thing that could have saved this game was utilising next Gen graphics.....but they didn't.
You could be forgiven if you thought the PS2 had better graphics, because quite frankly the game looks like it was made on old hardware.

You may think my review is a bit harsh, but then you probably haven't played the game yet.
I'm sure pre-pubescent boys around the world are rejoicing that they made a game like this...but they will find out the hard way once they actually pay money for this and start to play....