In three words; for the fans.

User Rating: 6.8 | One Piece Grand Battle! Rush PS2
One Piece: Grand Battle is a fighting game for the PS2 which combines the well known special attack gauges with some moving around the arena and collecting items. You can choose from a mediocre amount of characters to fight with and you can unlock some as you progress, but most of them are all the same. You can get you're friend to grab another controller and play with you, and there are some mini games you can play. The story mode is a bit goofy as most of the fighting games, but it has some spice in it as you can say. In conclusion, if you are a fan of the series you should probably buy it and add it to you're fanboy's collection =] . But if you are not, you can try it as well but you should rent it as it is not deep and long.