A series though not as popular as others, turns out as one contender against Jump Ultimate Stars

User Rating: 8.5 | One Piece: Gear Spirit DS
One Piece Gearspirit is your typical fighting game. Except it has a few differences. First it played like Super Smash Bros. Backgrounds and characters are 3-D but it is played on a 2-D perpesctive. You can also use cards from a deck that you build to activate special moves that are unique to your character or to increase your speed or to increase your attack power. Firstly, the graphics are top notch and sharp. The regular attacks though not spectacular do have some flare. Special attacks are where it is special. It highlights the characters very well and you have a lot of flasy comic style attacks which are nice. However, they can get repetative but at least the attacks are different for each character.

Secondly, the gameplay is kinda stiff in terms of jumping and what not but still it is still workable. Moving is kinda basic and the animation is not too great but still it works in a game like this. The stages are not overly big and not too detailed. There are some interactions between the characters and the backgrounds which is a nice touch. They are 3-D which is still amazing for the DS.

Overall it is a great game to import. There is quite a bit of text and there are a lot of characters to choose from so you will not be bored quickly with this game. The sad bit of about this game is no Wi-Fi but wireless multiplayer is still here.