The game you want, when there's a waterfall of generic games. Although short, always remember, Quality over Quantity!!!!

User Rating: 7.5 | Omega Five X360
Omega Five, the game itself has only been made by 5 people (mind the coincidence), but it is called Omega 5 for the 5 heroes in the game who are Ruby, Tempest, Sensai and his Dog Rikimaru, and R.A.D.

What first caught my interest, was seeing the trailer for Omega Five, a couple of months before the game itself came out. I didn't pay close enough attention and I believed there was online co-op, which is unforutnate because it dosen't have any, but local co-op compensates for it, to an extent.

As I said, no second thoughts before downloading this game, afterwards I decided to start playing it, it impressed me. I will label the following

Graphics: 10/10, the graphics are the best you'll get from Xbox Live arcade for awhile, (if not ever). The overall presentation is very good, all the lights flashing as you obliterate the enemies, followed by the way the bosses look, they're big, and big bosses are good to have and fun to defeat. The backgrounds are outstanding, if you're not too busy trying to live or get a high score to look at the background for an extended glance.

Sound: 8/10 The sound is good for the most part. What I believe 2D shooters needs are rehashed, amped up sounds, nice explostions, whereas you can feel the power and weight of your own death-dealer. Most guns sound very good, a couple in particular aren't too great.
The Music is Japanese-style and very nice, particularily Level 3.

Length: 3/10 What got to me is that this game was over just as it began, with four.. well outstanding levels but yes, very very short. I can wrap this game a couple of times before I feel like playing something else.

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The achievements are very fun to get, which will add time to total gameplay, primarily the survival ones for each character. Challenge Mode will prove even more challenging, your only award will be your position on the leaderboard, and I guess an ego boost (if you do good that is)

There are many rewards to get in this game: Unlocking characters, unlocking challenge modes, unlocking more credits (Lives) which come after a certain amount of time is spent playing the game, after 300 minutes you will recieve infinite credits (Which really disappoints me, because you aren't able to change it, and thus stuck with infinite lives) There are a few more unlockables.

This game is definatly worth it for $10, I have spent at least 1500 minutes on it.

On a final word, I only wish there was a story of some sort, if there was any plot, we're all left completly oblivious to it, but I suppose that will leave you with imagination to ponder on what the game could be about, and why you do what you do and go where you go.

The level names don't particularily make sense in correlation with the levels all that much, maybe except level 1.

Overall; Buy this game only if you like challenges (Challenge mode that is) and can keep yourself occupied with reptition to access leaderboards and achievments.