Tiime to get.....odd! Oddworld has gone fully 3d and it is as strange and facinating as ever. Abe RULES!

User Rating: 8.9 | Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee XBOX
I have always been a fan of Oddworld and Abe. In this latest installment, which is now nearly five years old, Abe is back and trying to help his newest friend Munch save their respective species. Even being as old as it is I found this game to be just as graphically interesting and fun to play as many new games that have come out today. Being fully 3d now the game has become much more interesting than the previous versions as you have levels that are basically huge areas that are puzzles waiting to be solved. There is nothing linear about this game, and there appears to be more than a few ways to solve every problem. You have two characters that you can play, both Abe and Munch, and each has different abilities that you can bring to bear to solve problems. There is nothing difficult about playing the game, though, which makes it accessable to just about anyone. The storyline to this game is great, as have the plots of the previous games, and is what makes the oddworld series so fun to play. You are constantly meeting new and strange characters and places and have to learn to deal with them. From paramites to scrabs to gabbits and glukkons, you will never get bored with the variety of things that inhabit the oddworld universe. Overall this game is a blast for anyone that loved the previous games or just likes a slightly different (odd!) 3d adventure game. As with the previous games not only do you have to finish, but you can get different endings depending on how many of your friends you manage to save ( helping your quarma), this adds to the replay value of the game. Since the game is so old now you can pick it up for much less than $10 too making it a great value.