There is no other way to say it, this game sucks.

User Rating: 4.8 | Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee XBOX
Where do I start? The story line behind Munch's Oddysee tries it's hardest to be funny, but never quite succeeds and while the characters are interesting they are more annoying than anything. The game did not make any sense to me until about half way through and at that point I was wow this is pretty lame and boring. The game tries to have charm like Conker or Psychonauts but never really developes as a game that makes you want to play it.

I haven't played any other Oddworld games but whoever thought not giving the main character's attack moves was a good idea, needs to be fired. Having enemies all over the place and having to use commands to get your minions to try and kill the enemies is not executed well. If you want to see that done well play pikmin. (Note: in Pikmin, Olimar had an attack move of his own...take that Abe!) While most of the killing is done by the same people your are trying to save, it makes it kinda hard to save them if you keep sending them to die. This game has very little action and most of the levels seem thrown together. May times during the game you have to rely on killing yourself multiple times in order to clear a board. This was one of the only games in a while I had to force myself to play just so I could finish it. If you are a fan of the Oddworld games, pick it up you may like it...(I can't imagine why) but otherwise steer clear.