Unique? Check. Challenging? Check. Quirky? Check. Frustrating? Only if you take it too seriously. Applaud originality!

User Rating: 7.4 | Odama (w/Bonus Microphone) GC
Either we gamers embrace new ideas or we'll be forced to choose between playing another iteration of "Generic [Insert Genre Here] Game" or "Generic [Insert Genre Here] Game". Originality should be supported, not shunned. The combination of voice command mechanics and real time strategy does work well. Repetitious? It is afterall a take on pinball. And while that statement in itself might seem to negate the idea of orginality, Mr. Saito's ability to rework a genre that has proven itself in the past, to find new gamplay mechanics inside something so familiar, helps to draw in players who are comfortable with pinball and interested in a challening but ultimately rewarding game. The player here has to balance many gameplay elements at once, but these elements never feel overwhelming. The viseral feel created by possessing direct control of the Odama is coupled well with the power of one's voice to guide troops to victory. Yes, the player has to remind the troops of their orders, but the game is about voice command and using one's voice repeatedly really helps to keep the player alert and connected to the onscreen action. What do i need to say next? It keeps one thinking. When the Odama turns green and strikes enemy soldiers, one can add those enemy troops to his army; striking the Odama creates a troop sweeping shockwave; keys open doors, ladders lead to higher ground and rivers damned can be crossed; all these seemigly disparate elements do congeal into a cohesive, unusual, unique and worthwhile game.