A hidden gem. Fun, exciting and somewhat scary gameplay! Must rent! Good rendition of a late 90s horror film.

User Rating: 9 | Obscure XBOX
Straight from a 90s horror film, this game is surprisingly good and worth your while. Weird things are happening and one student of some high school (it's been a while) disappears. His friends wait until after dark and search the school for their friend and to find out what is going on. Little by little, they unlock the clues and delve deep into the horrors within. They start to learn of horrible testing on humans and a sinister plot. This game is full of twists and turns, and it is certainly enjoyable enough to rent. This game actually does a good job of being scary and creepy. If you look up "hidden gem' in the dictionary, you will see a screenshot of "Obscure". Sorry if this isn't the most accurate review; it's been months since I've played it. I don't even really know what a review text is. Can somebody tell me?