The game really is obscure.

User Rating: 6.5 | Obscure PC
So a friend gave this game to me (my gaming has been influenced a lot by friends i must say) but let's get to the point straight away.

The story starts out promising. This is mostly a horror Third person action game, and as one of several teenagers you must discover the secrets of the school they go to. Each one has something unique to offer and you only have 2 at a time so that part of the gameplay is pretty interesting.

The setting is probably the strongest aspect of the game. The school layout is realistic and the details are eye catching.

The horror element is somewhat lacking however. There aren't a variety of monsters and while they may scare a 5-year old, they really aren't that frightening.

The action is much like a typical console third person action game. To kill monsters you use guns to baseball bats. However there is no crosshair and the camera does not rotate around the character most of the time which can get frustrating. Basically when you use guns it aims automatically which I guess implies combat is not a strength of this game. The saving is also limited (you pick up disks throughout the game which you use to save but once you do so it's used up) which is always a negative in my book.

Overall though, it's a good attempt at a horror game I suppose. The creepy atmosphere was what really allowed me to enjoy this game somewhat, but everything else including combat and story was pretty average.