All in all Nox is a decent RPG that still is just quite a bit of fun to play.

User Rating: 8 | Nox PC
Nox is a game that is somewhat similar to Diablo in gameplay, though it focuses more on the single player campaign instead of finding items and leveling. I know many did not like Nox's graphics, but I really enjoyed them, especially the spell effects. Perhaps they were just 'unique' compared to other games. The grahpics are a little bright and colorful, which definintly can come off as kid like, but atleast it's not to the point of being cartoon like. The controls are very similar to Diablo, and thankfully, just as responsive. Left clicking attacks and moves, but spells are handled a little differently. Instead of calling up the spell and right clicking, you have a small spell set on the bottom of your screen which can hold 5 spells of your choosing. There are 5 spell sets in all that can be alternated between so you can cast just about any spell your character has with only a few button presses. To actually cast the spell though, it simply requires you to face in the direction you want to casts the spell (moving the cursor in that direction) and pressing the corresponding key. However, with all those keys it will take a bit of memorization on your part and quick fingers to get to the spell set and cast the spell you want. Fortunantly, that only applies to the Conjurer and Wizard since the Warrior only has 5 skills in all. There are only 3 characters, which disapointed me alittle, plus the warrior only has 5 skills he can use. Though I did find all 3 characters well balanced, and each could defeat the other if played right. Playing online was even better seeing as how you had to find items in the level to use, instead of using items you had already found in other games (as with alot of other RPGs). This made playing online much more fair and depended much more on your skill and not just your items. All 3 characters also start out Multiplayer games knowing all skills and spells of their class. The characters are still quite unique and all require a different style of play. The Warrior doesn't require you to cast spells left and right but that means you must know how to block those spells. You also have the grappling ability which pulls another character towards you allowing you to catch up to them. The Conjurer, as would be obvious, conjures up creatures to help him fight. How many creatures you can summon depends on their size. You can either summon 4 small creatures or 2 medium creatures, or one large creature, or 1 medium and 2 small, you get the point. The summons are not that spectacular by themselves but they're only meant to help you fight, not be your main source. Thankfully, the conjurer also has some of the most powerful spells as well, though they are easily blocked. Still, with the right timing or set up, he can be extremely deadly. The Wizard is constantly casting spells, Defensive and Offensive alike. Mostly you'll be trying to trick others by teleporting around, casting spells to slow or make your enemy drop his weapons, or by setting traps. The wizard can be quite a difficult character to play since it requires you to be able to call up and cast spells very quickly, but he can also be one of the most powerful if you can do that.