User Rating: 7.5 | Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi PC
I really liked Clive Barker's Undying, so I was looking for this game. Anyway It has not the good Undying's backgorund story, in Nosferatu you will find more action and less puzzle, you have not much to ask yourself what to do. This game is very simple in his developement. Your main quest is try to get the right key for to get to the next level and really nothing more, and meanwhile you will try to rescque your family parents. Anyway the powerful sound system is able to scare you very well, and it will let close your eyes for an outdated graphic engine. The graphic level of detail is very similar to Unreal (the same engine used in undying)and this is not a good things when we are closing to the end of 2003. In Nosferatu the action goes really fast, you will not have many time to relax yourself. The clock will not stop, and you have a time limit in order to complete your quest and face the evil master undead. However the simple story will keep you glued on your seat in order only to see how will be the end. i have found the difficulty setting a little be hard on the normal level, so I suggest you to play Easy on your first game. the random generated castle will keep your interest a little bit more longer that any usual first person shooter. If you think that graphic is not all in a game, and if you are a Horror movie fan, epecially for the Gothic Horror,then please give it a peep it's really worth of playing expecially when you are in your dark room with a good headphones set. He he he..But be advised this thing can really give you a heart attack!