This is the type of games you want to see more for the Wii, serious action games.

User Rating: 9.5 | No More Heroes WII
The game starts of great with a awesome start of cut scene and a good to tutorial, after that you go through the first mission kinda wondering whats really going on. finding out that you're hero is actually a horny jackass, makes the game surprisingly more interesting.
Now going on to the second mission you feel you have more purpose, even though it's just to nail some hot German-chick it stills gives you a satisfactory purpose.
The game takes use of excellent motion controls, it's not too much motion controls so you don't feel like an idiot while waiving you're arms around like a maniac just to defeat one enemy. it makes you use the motion control for finishing moves, mini-games (jobs) and special events in missions. Boss fight is a big part of the game and every single boss fight is unique and incredibly fun, you have to rethink the way you fight in every boss battle.

so all in all No more heroes is a great game with an incredible story and ending and I would like to see more of these games for the wii