Best action-fighting title on the Wii, but with some faults.

User Rating: 8.5 | No More Heroes WII
The Wii needed a good action title, and this one's a really good try. But as i keep playing this game, i can't stop thinking that it could have been much better.
Action games are all about adrenaline, thus they require bad language and violence. I have the eu version of the game, and although it contains the bad language, the developers "forgot" to add the blood. So, instead of killing human beings, i have the feeling that i kill vampires, which turn to ash instead of meat and bones.
At least, even without blood, the combat system is one of the best i've seen in action fighting games. It's fun to watch and even funnier to play it yourself.
WIthout being complex, it gives you a choice of attacks. So, first u decide your stance which can be high or low, and it depends on the way you are holding the wiimote.A high stance, delivers high attacks, while a low stance, delivers low attacks. Then, you can either start smashing the A button for a fancy combo, hold and release the A button for a charged attack, or press the B button to stun your enemy. If you manage to stun him, you can grab him by waving the nunchuk and the wiimote in the direction that is shown you on the screen, to smash your foe's head on the floor. If you choose the combo option, you can finish off your opponent by waving the wiimote as shown in the screen. This, results in a lightsaber move so fancy, that Luke Skywalker would be proud of.
So, the combat itself is lightning-speed, and results in complete on-screen-mayhem. But, you always have a feeling that you want more and more. The game is responsible for that, because you spend half of the time on your bike. Yes, that's right, the developers tried to add some grand-theft-auto feel in the game, but that's where they screwed up. Roaming around the city with your bike, is boring and tiresome, cause all you can do is go from point A to B, and find some collectables. Here is a typical day of your hero: He gets on his bike, and he drives around the city to visit the various shops one by one. There are 4-5 shops, where you can train in the gym, buy some video tapes to learn some moves, buy some fancy clothes, upgrade your beam-katana, or deliver some balls that you find scattered in the city, in exchange of some nice new moves.After your hero spends about 5-10 mins doing shopping therapy, he goes to get a job , like collecting scorpions, coconuts, kitties, pumping fuel to cars etc... These jobs are nice for a change, and each one takes about 2 mins, plus another 2 mins on your bike to reach the area where the mission takes place. Afterwards, you can take 2 assasination missions. They last 1-2 mins, and all you have to do is kill some poor guys. When your adrenaline starts to rise, the mission ends. Then, you have to ride your bike again, and go to the ATM to pay some cash to enter the main stage. The main stage, lasts about 20 mins including the boss fight (boss fights in this game are uber btw), and if u succeed, you return to your hotel, and a new day starts for Travis Touchdown.
About the graphics now: They are not next-gen, they are not fancy, instead you get a comic feel as you play. I didn't experience slowdowns in the movement, but the graphics could have been better.
The dialogs are funny and well written, the sound affects remind you of old arcade games and star wars which adds to the game's atmosphere, but the music is repeatably boring.
So, what we have here, is a decent action fighting game, which will keep you playing 10-20 hours, but the combat itself, like all good things, is too short to make you go on a hail-and-kill orgasm.It has a good base to make a better sepuel.
8/5 / 10