The whole premise is inviting, but all the restrictions and hard competitions make Nintendogs not so adorable.

User Rating: 7 | Nintendogs: Miniature Dachshund & Friends DS
My friend has this. Just saying before i start to write the review. Anyway, the dogz phenomenon for the Gameboy inspired this creative yet impish virtual life video game. You can buy up to 5 dogs, take them on walks, groom them, feed them, and have them compete in dog shows. Sounds fun right? I haven't stated the poor qualites, which, there are quite a lot of them. So even if the graphics are great, idon't think adding the record-your-voice thing was so cool. Why? The sound effects are so fuzzy! Plus, the competitons aren't even that fun. Nope. Neither is walking yoru dog. You have to draw the path you want to walk on before can walk you dog. Stupid, right? Hard, meaningless gameplay make this one hard puppy to buy. Well, that's it for 2day gaming fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!