Is this game cute with 3-D in it?

User Rating: 7.5 | Nintendogs + Cats: Golden Retriever & New Friends 3DS
A launch title for the 3ds with one of there top sellers is good and actually smart by Nintendo. I played this when i was 7 and now I'm 13. I played the original game for 3 years. When I'm done playing the a game like Mario Kart I said," You know I need to check on my virtual per and hope its okay." The new game came out and it's what I thought it would be nintendogs with a couple of new modes. I honestly don't care for the cats because I', not a cat person. It's like the original. To much of it. I'm getting at the graphics. The graphics look like the exact game I played 6 years ago. I still had my ds lite so I put in my original nintendogs ans got a comparison to the 3ds verzion. It's just the same. I why are these spread out on 3 seperate games. I know they're trying to make money but know pet lover are going to buy all 3. The 3-d is good. That's all I can say just virtual puppies going after you.
In conclusion it's just nintendogs from 2007 but in 3-d. That's all I have to say.