This fun system is marred by a few issues.

User Rating: 8.5 | Nintendo 3DS 3DS
I was very apprehensive about purchasing this system. The 3D could very well have been a cheap gimmick. But I dove right in. I was surprised by how much content comes with the system already.

Along with Mii making, one can use the "AR" cards. You set one down, point the camera at it, and things pop out of them (which you shoot or something of the like). You can also make nintendo characters such as Mario or Link appear out of the card. The system also came with some weird face-shooting game, where you take someone's picture, it flies around the room, and you... Shoot it. Speaking of which, the 3D when taking pictures works very well the majority of the time. The system is very fun to show off to friends.

The only game I own for the 3DS is the Ocarina of Time remake, but this game alone proved to me that 3DS games can be of very high quality. The graphics are comparable to that of the gamecube, and the 3D works wonderful. The gyroscope controls are flawless and fun.

But on to the bad stuff. My major complaint is the volume switch: It must have been my second day with the system when it stopped working correctly. The volume was stuck very high, and I could only turn it louder. I was excited to find this went away, only to be disappointed when it came back again. For now, the volume is stuck at about medium, and I can only turn it higher. It doesn't bother me very much because I use head phones, but this is a major flaw that I know others have experienced.

Other than that, leaving the 3D on is... Problematic? I have experienced some fatigue after long sessions with 3D, and my eyes sometimes take a while to re adjust to real life. I noticed that when I played Street Fighter on the 3DS at gamestop that my right eye went black as I played, and went right back when I looked away. It is also difficult to get it just right at times, and friends may seem unimpressed if they view it the wrong way, and they become disinterest when you try to explain it. You can tell that these issues may certainly very depending on the user.

In the end, I do not regret my purchase. The games I have yet to buy and those that will soon be released seem promising, but until then there is enough on the system to hold my interest. The only problem is that the system you purchase may be defective, and the 3D can be an issue at times. I suggest that those looking to buy try to find a way to test the system if they can. If not, be aware that there may be some issues, but it's a lot of fun.