Im not suprised data design has failled once again...when will they learn!?

User Rating: 1 | Ninjabread Man WII
The Good:'s box art is kinda nice and it makes a decent frisbee.

The bad: nintendo 64 graphics,the controls read your waggles 5% of the time,believe it or not the camera is the worst and most imposible enemy,only 4 enemy models,the game has jumping puzzles everywhere even though it is near imposible to jump, ninja breadman's sword is useless!!!

ninja bread man is a peice of %@$& remake of a terrible ps2 game wich was a remake of the worst pc game since big rigs and it might even be worse! this review is going to be short because there is nothing to say but (BARF)

Gameplay 1/10
The controls and the camera are going to be the main reason you will not want to play this game for two minutes.

Graphics 1/10
I think that the original playstation might have better care for the visuals.

Story 1/10
Well I would explain the story to you but sadly it dose'nt even have one.

overall 1/10
I would rather go to jail than play this abomination. this game makes ET look like a masterpiece. I played this peice of stool for fifteen minutes and i swear it was the longest 15 minutes of my life!! at $3 This game is not worth it buy a better wii game like mario galaxy or madworld I did and I could'nt be happier.