What Can i Say? I bought it for 19 bucks at wal-mart in that little bin.

User Rating: 1 | Ninjabread Man WII
the game controls of this specfic game were terrbible. (i would like it if the sword folloed you pointer where evr it went proving more attacks) the game devolpers did a terrible job in putting obects down. yes, its very detailed but not acceible. one ledge was farther away then the next edge but of difficulty as of pear carelessness pretty much i just had problem with that.the overall sound track was very good with that wha yah! at the end of every level. the title was the thing that cut my eye i thought it was gonna be funny yurns ou it was just DISAPOINTING!

the overall graphic creativite was very good the monster were cupcakes and stairs where waffiers. mud was choclate canes where candycanes etc.

sorry very many spelling eerors [im writing it in the dark and to lazy to spell check]