Ninjabread Man review for wii (ONE OF THE WORST GAMES EVER)

User Rating: 1.5 | Ninjabread Man WII
Oh boy here`s my review for Ninjabread Man for the wii I had this game for Christmas 2007 and I had to say it sucks its actually one of the worst games I ever played and through out the rest of this review I will tell you just how bad this game really is.

he story in this game is empty there is no voice acting or text boxes, just you going from point A to point B but the story is at candy land is under attack from cupcakes and angry bees and you play as a Ginger Bread Man who is a ninja and you have to save candy land there is 4 levels in the entire game but the first is the tutorial so this game will take you less than 1 hour to beat.

the gameplay is the worst part of Ninjabread Man the controls are horrible you have to swing the wii controller to attack enemy`s, the problem is it doesnt react properly so you will die a lot the only easy way to kill enemy`s is to throw you Ninja Shurikens and you can use it on every enemy in the game, but the biggest problem in the game is to jump you have to thrust the nunchuck up well thats easy but to double jump you have to thrust it up twice and it sometimes doesnt responed, so jumping from platform to platform is hard to jump along with a bad camera, but theres another way to jump and thats the z bottom the problem is that they don`t tell you at so your Lucky to figure that out so the entire gameplay is a living nightmare.

sound design:
I don`t talk about sound in my reviews but for now I will in my reviews the best part of the game is the music at the main menu and the music at the first 2 levels thats becouse they use the same music but the music in the last 2 levels are os bad you will what to rip your eyes off and the sound effects are bad to but I wont talk about then.

the game graphics's looks like a ps1 game I mean the original Crash and Spiro were better then is but Ninjabread Man has alittie bit smoth but Crash and Spiro had better gameplay then Ninjabread Man.

the goods:
-good music at the main menu and first 2 levels and ats it :(

the BADS:
-rubbish story
-terrible controls
-music in the last 2 levels sucks
-bad camera
-very short

Ninjabread Man is not a good game at all its the worst game on the wii
and you shod not buy of rent it if your a parent and you are looking for a game at your kids will enjoy buy Super Mario galaxy but if you see Ninjabread Man just destroy it ok this is jackhalflife signing out ;) oh and DON`T PLAY THIS. GAME.



sound design -3



oh ya I almost forgot the ending in the game is just a surprise for everyone who played through is garbage I tell you >:(.