User Rating: 1 | Ninjabread Man WII
thank you for choosing to read my review! i appreciate it very much!

oh, my, god WHAT KIND OF MISTAKE DID I MAKE? i rented it and beat it the day after i got it! so, yes, it's a short game. and a really bad short game. there are only 4 levels and one of those levels is a tutorial. so that means there are only 3 real levels. i know many games that have more levels than that. even Donkey Kong Jr on the NES (nintendo entertainment system) has more levels than ninja-bread man!

the plot is stupid. actually, i don't even think there IS a plot.

the controls are mad unresponsive! here's a little thing about the controls: the controls are weird. super duper ultra mad weird. you have to move the nunchuck up to jump and you move the wii mote left and right to swing your sword. and when you try to jump, you have to move the nunchuck up like 20 times. the attacking enemies thing is really bad as well. but, i'll talk about fighting the enemies later in this review.

the graphics are ugly. they lack detail and are extremely unrealistic and hideous. the level designs are beyond terrible.

the camera is demented. the camera constantly flies off into the worst position possible all the time.

the music fit in with the levels. honestly, i liked the music. it's all happy and cheerful and stuff. it's sorta like music you would hear in a Disney movie.

so, here's the stuff about the combat: all you do in this game is run through the badly designed candy worlds and use a sword to try to kill these weird enemies. the combat is really bad. for example, the enemies sometimes don't even die even if you whack them in the face 50 times. the combat is extremely broken and stuff.

oh, and and this game is just like Anubis 2. everything about this game is the same as Anubis two except the main character, level designs and the amount of levels.

this game is almost unplayable. well, this game is so bad, it really wasn't worth reviewing, but i reviewed it anyway. this game doesn't even deserve to be called a game! that's how bad it is. it was just there to fill up a space for the wii game's library. or, maybe it was made so people can make fun of it. or, i think it was really made so you can play frisbee with it.

so, do not ever, ever, EVER download the rom, rent it or buy it. ok? i hope this was helpful! .^_^. PLEASE RATE!!!