this is the worst game ever made. no time put into no nothing. even i could make a game better than this!

User Rating: 1 | Ninjabread Man WII
This is probably the worst game you can imagine. No matter what you do, DO NOT buy this game. The graphics are fine, but the rest is crap. It's so boring you do the same thing every level, the controls don't respond on time (they don't respond at all sometimes), stupid story and, the shortest game I've ever played. Please do not waste your money on this game. There is nothing good about this game. I honestly can't say anything good about it. The camera really annoys me because it's always on stupid angles and stuff. Only four levels(pretty sad). This game is a waste of time and money. I already made the mistake of buying it but please take my advice. Don't buy this game. For those who like short easy games and like collecting stuff and beating guys up over and over again then this is the game for you. But I'm assuming a lot of us don't. I admit, the first level was kinda fun. but after the first level and the tutorial, i was 50% done. Just to give you an idea. And the tutorial and the first level put together only took me like 10 minutes. I'm sure some people would love this game but if you are like me (and I like almost every game I buy/play) then you probably won't.