Ninja Bread Man...your a copy of Zool, ya know that?

User Rating: 2 | Ninjabread Man WII
Oh boy…Ninja Bread Man, where on Earth to start…well, to be honest, I thought I would like this game. Why? Because I like the more obscure games out there, but this?…I'll make an acceptation. The game, in my opinion wouldn't be half as bad, if I could actually see Ninja Bread Man. The camera angels in the game are so bad, I can't stand to play it, really. Now, besides the camera in the game, everything else is just a low budget pile of rubble. I mean, the sword hardly does anything, and not to mention, your arm starts to hurt after swinging it, like mad man. On top of all that, it plays the same music…the…whole…time…Or at least up until the point that I played, which, isn't very far. So, all in all, don't buy this game, don't rent it, don't do anything with that game that involves money. Although, to be honest, I'm always gonna love this game a little bit, because I was so excited when I got this game, and thought it would be cute, and fun, however, that wasn't the case. So, I like it for the fact that I was so happy about it, and it's part of my collection, but I hate the actual gameplay. Another thing I noticed is that it is very similar to an older game called Zool. The candy levels, the Ninja aspect, and the extra help is actually the same in both games, no joke, look at the two.