A poor imitation of Ninja Gaiden, badly programmed and glitched to hell.

User Rating: 4.5 | Ninja Blade X360
On a positive note, this game really shows just how good the Ninja Gaiden games actually are. *Unfortunately, thats where the comparison ends, this game is a result of programmers with big ideas but not the skills to back them up. One particular part of the game was so poorly programmed it refused to let me go any further and left me running around straight through solid objects and then through the (solid) floor to my death. After 4 attempts at working out what i actually had to do, i gave up and checked online that other people had also had this problem and if the QTE didnt kick in, the game would never go any further. This kind of bug is unforgivable in a retail version of the game, it should be recalled and fixed. Up to this point, the game had been a poor imitation of Ninja Gaiden with jerky graphics and boring QTE sections. I didnt like it at all and returned it to the store.