Thats how a ninja game should be. Both the story line and gameplay are at their best. Nothing like this comes so often.

User Rating: 7.5 | Ninja Blade PC
Its a must play for keeps. No doubt if u play it u will get into it for once. The ninja 3d game on PC is not actually we came to see more often. The world detail is quite the fun. The combos are fanatic. The monsters are aggressive. The story line is at the peak. The one problem i faced is of saving, as the game only saves itself after the end of the mission which is quite the naughty thing which a games will b bothered about. More over the missions are not so small as you guys think they are. Each new mission gives u closer to upgrades of swords and ninjutsu (i think so). My suggestion is don't upgrade your first sword becouse it will be upgraded autmatically int he end. This game has prooven its worth. Buy if u hav to, check out your nearest stores also. So final words are pls pls pls play for this once.