Thought it would be lost in all those Ninja Games. But surprisingly, it didn't

User Rating: 6.5 | Ninja Blade PC
The game gives you no time to adjust, once it starts, it continues the same pace till the end. You cannot take your eyes off the screen even for a moment. The story is Okay, passable, nothing drastic or dramatic, but the action is good.Once you have got other swords as well then fight feels solid. Button sequence is tough to achieve, but the good thing is the "Roll Back" effect to give you another(or n other) chances to re try the sequence, which almost never gets boring, but frustrating at times.

The boss battles are O.M.G, they are like weird contra villains, creepy and pure ugly. Fighting then is really really hard specially in HARD mode, it really takes a lot. You will find the crab giant battle really amusing. It takes a while to master.

Altogether the same is fine, mediocre NinJutsu, Above average Sword fights, never before seen bosses move, all before seen bosses.But Final boss battle is really nice, its a combination of Devil may cry and Matrix(Neo's Path) Agent Giant style fight.

I'd recommend this game to you if you have not played many Ninja or Sword games. But if you a heavy duty Sword master like me then you may not like this game extremely, but still you'll want to at least finish it once. Just to convince that you can!!!

There are times you'd wish you could put Dante into this situation and you'd have his wild moves.