i'm wondering if i were playing a ninja action game or watching a movie of it, it totally gets me in the game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Ninja Blade PC
this is a 3rd person hack and slash action game, featuring a ninja with a lot of cool weapons to boot! the graphics was quite awesome, has anti aliasing support up to 16x and a nifty graphics adjustments tabs.. the game has an average sound and dialogue quality.. the xbox 360 controller is fully compatible on this game, in fact you will really need to press it quite often because the game is like a movie wherein you will have to press sequential buttons in order to perform the needed combos in order to advance to the next scene.. when a button was wrongly pushed or late, the scene checkpoint automatically loads so no worries if a press is not timed rightly, but i think it would affect the game statistics.. you also have the option to upgrade your weapons by collecting orbs, health is also restored thru orbd but can also be replenished by health vials which can be found on secret rooms.. gameplay is like a mixture of prince of persia (because you can wall run sideways and also up on ledges), devil may cry (for intense hack and slash action and 3rd person view) and wolverine (for the combo keypresses).. all in all, it was a fun game, with an interesting story...

- nice graphics and cutscene action combos
- support for xbox 360 controller

- some scenes are quite repetitive