It's very underrated as I find it very fun and enjoyable despite some flaws! Please Read more to get an idea!

User Rating: 8 | Ninja Blade PC

In my opinion, this game was very good. Graphics are well created and the sounds are quite good as well. Despite what you think about it being a Ninja Gaiden rip off too make money, this game has a lot of good features. I personally am a fan of the Ninja Gaiden Series and could not be any happier playing it on my XBOX 360. This game truly does pass the time quite well and I know that it can be quite frustrating with the saving system. Trust me, even I am annoyed at it at times. I once thought that it would automatically save right when I was in the middle of the 2nd level and I had to leave for a doctor's appointment. Well, all the data wasn't saved so I had to start at the beginning of the level. It is mission based and it shows you where to go. Even with that said, there are a lot of action in the game that really gets you into it. I won't point to anything in particular as it could end up being a spoiler, but I will say that this game is really advanced. One minute you could be walking around and all of a sudden, you would have to push some buttons that at times will lead you somewhere else. The button sequences differ as they have different levels from easy button sequences to hard sequences that will have you guessing. The buttons you use for fighting are based on the button sequence. For example, the left mouse button is sort of like a normal attack, so if you are about to use a normal attack in the sequence, you would press the left mouse button when it tells you to. It's the same thing with jumping, alternate attack, moving with the W,A,S,D keys, and so on. Some things I also like about this game as they mention is that you can really feel like your sort of in a movie as there are a lot of movie sequences, especially when your going down a skyscraper... as well as the fact that you see the boss/bosses usually near the start of the level. Oh, and did I mention that you can customize your ninja look. Ken Ogawa (the main character) can be customized to having emblems on his head to changing the color of his ninja suit. Personally, I don't like the already made costumes because of the weird colors, but everyone has their preferences.

Pros: Mixes a lot of movie scenes in the gameplay, vertical gameplay, a lot of excitement due to really fun action

Cons: Can only save at the end of each mission

Graphics: 8/10

Sound: 7/10


Overall: 8/10