Well. I guess it is okay. The cut scenes in game are awful and so is the on foot levels. But the flying is a lot of fun!

User Rating: 7 | NiGHTS: Hoshi Furu Yoru no Monogatari WII
This game is pretty good. I'm going to copy Gamespot for a sec and say the good and bad.

Pros- Flight Levels are lots of fun -- The cutscenes at the beginning and end of the game are amazing -- The game has a fun and cool concept. -- A few of the bosses are really cool lookin.

Cons- Some of the levels are stupid -- All of the other cut scenes are really laggy and bad. -- Bosses can be weird and confusing -- You can't tell if NiGHTS is a gay boy or a weird girl.

NiGHTS has a very cool story and concept. The story is cool too. Some of the cutscenes (like the ones at the beginning and end) are amazing. Flying around is the reason I play this game. This is a unique blend of a platformer and flying. It is very original. I just wish they did a better job.

This game is easy to put down. Some of these levels are flat out stupid. It can bore me. Alot! Bosses look good but you have no clue what youre doing. NiGHTS, are you a gay boy or a weird girl? Owl says


"....disturbed by the fact that NiGHTS is a Nightmaren, I understand if you do not want to trust him..." Read that again. Notice. 'TRUST HIM" That means NiGHTS is a gay boy.


Overall, if you like sonic. Buy this. If you like platformers, maybe buy it. IF YOU HAVE ONLINE- Think about it. I enjoyed it but it has its share of flaws.