Amazing atmosphere combined with not so amazing gameplay

User Rating: 6.5 | NiGHTS: Hoshi Furu Yoru no Monogatari WII
NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams for Wii is full of great ideas that were poorly executed. The wii remote controls stink, plain and simple. In order to enjoy this you need to use a different control option. Alot of people probably didnt buy this for the gameplay though, they bought it to revive their memories of the old game. It will do that. It has this feeling of magic when you play, you cant describe it. The great music and colourful visuals add to the fantastic atmosphere. The game is primarily flying levels, where you fly through rings and try to chase after 3 enemies and get their keys and unlock nights, then you face the boss. You control primarily up and down, as nights swirls through the environments, but some points have a top down view or a 3-D view. The bosses are easily the worst part of the game. Most are just plain unfairly hard and horrible. Especially that ugly cat witch that had horrible tilting controls. The on foot missions are ok, but quite boring. Overall the game is short, unless you are trying to colect every single dream drop. It can be beaten in a rental, which i would reccomend. The story is also nothing to write home about, and the characters are really annoying. Helen's voice makes her sound like she has her head in a cloud all the time, and will sounds all nasal-y. Also NiGHTS is a chick?!?!
Anyways even with all the criticism ive given it, that feeling of magic i described earlier saves it. Its like they had all the best ideas and had the most potential ever, got all the environments and music done, then just gave up and rushed the rest. Overall, just rent.