NiGHTS for a new generation

User Rating: 8 | NiGHTS: Hoshi Furu Yoru no Monogatari WII
Lets get this out of the way now, this is not your parents NiGHTS. It is a game somewhat based on the original. Where the original had a very clear, straightforward objective, this sequel has emerged with lots of fluff and filler. That is not a bad thing, but it is not exactly a good thing either. In the original, your goal was simple, gather a few blue orbs to spring the guardian of nightopia, NiGHTS, and then go gather your Ideya. Once gathered, defeat the boss of that stage. This game has spoken dialogue, which is cute or cheesy, depends on who you ask. I say cheesy. This game has given NiGHTS a personality, you actually interact with NiGHTS in the cutscenes (blasphemy I says). And there are critters you are actually required to confront for a key to a cage (not sure what thats all about). The controls are okay when using analogue controls on the gamecube or classic controller. Amazingly enough the motion controls, which seem like they would have been a perfect fit for this genre of game, suck ass. More like an afterthought. My personal opinion of every Wii game not produced specifically by nintendo is this: Let the game be developed in house by whatever company is doing all the content and then when it comes to implementing the controls, send the finished product, minus the control scheme to nintendo and let them implement it as they seem to be the only company that does it right everytime. This game is a definite buy on my rating scale for people new to the series. It is very beautiful (comparable to any next gen 360 or PS3 game for artwork and presentation). The musical score for this game is top notch, a perfect fit for this game. The tsory, while a bit muddled in its complexity, is great for all ages. The controls, while perfect for gamecube or classic controllers, could have used a lot more work for the wii motion controls. For fans (by that I mean people who actually owned or rented, played and enjoyed the original) I say play at your own risk. The dialogue, clumsy controls and overly complex story may put you off.