"...send an innocently grazing sheep flying with a giant magical fist?"

User Rating: 8 | NIER PS3
If your into your world cinema, clever animé, and indie cult classics then this game will appeal to you...in essence, "Jock's" need not apply!

The story is the driving force behind this incredibly touching game, as well as the funny dialogue and textured characters. The entirely inane conversations they have, not just in cut scenes, but after accepting quests or whilst getting pummelled by random spawning enemies; add volume to the this titles otherwise simple game play structure.

But it is at heart, the compelling and often emotional narrative that will's you to drive further and push through the convoluted story. It's definitely a good story though! - I'm just not entirely sure what is going on, although after completing it once it would appear from the alternate play through options, more of the story will be revealed.

I don't want to give anything away, so ill keep this short, this is a good game. A GREAT GAME EVEN. Yes it has lots of fetch quests, but these are mostly optional and yes, the combat isn't intelligent, but it is satisfying (what other games have you played where you can send an innocently grazing sheep flying with a giant magical fist?). As for the graphics? they may not be the best that's out there but they are stylised and have a certain flare to them that I'd describe as beautiful.

As the opening paragraph states, this is a game for those who enjoy a good mature story, whiny kids who use phrases such as "pewpewpew" and "pwned" should stay away, intelligent adults, are welcome.

thanks for reading...