Once you're used to the new controls, you'll find they give a much more realistic hockey experience.

User Rating: 9 | NHL 2K8 PS3
Gamers, for 15 years, have been used to a single control style for hockey games. But the fact is, that control style was a poor representation of what it meant to PLAY the game of hockey. As a hockey player, I've always appreciated the 2K series attention to detail. In this series, you position defensemen as you would in a real game. Otherwise you get scored on. Likewise, on offense, if you don't do the little things to beat the goalie, you don't score. You can take a thousands shot on an NHL goalie, but unless you've done something to beat him, you won't get the puck past him. With the new control system, 2K has added more the ability to do that little bit extra. It does take a little while to get used to the new controls. I've missed out on plenty of scoring opportunities because I've hit the old shoot button when I've has a gaping net. But now that I'm used to them. I find them vastly superior, I now have to ability in-game to do the little things that I do on the ice. Poke checking is harder now, but more realistic. Realism is what I want from my hockeys, and NHL 2K8 delivers. And I think that anyone who has put on a pair of skates and played the game of hockey will agree with that.