Not the best EA Sports game ever, but surely not the worst.

User Rating: 7.2 | NHL 2005 PS2
This is the second hockey game that I have owned, and this one sure beats the heck out of the other one, (Fox Sports NHL Championship Hockey 2000). I doubt anyone that would read this review, if anyone actually does read this review has ever even heard of it. So obviously, I'm not the first person you should ask on comparing hockey games, but I will try to accurately review NHL 2005.

Gameplay: Better than my first hockey game anyway. Could be better. The off the puck control of other players while you have the puck and the command of telling the nearest player to knock the nearest defending to the ice on offense are good additions to the normal hockey game. Still, the game doesn't fully feel like the NHL. The easiest way to score is to skate as fast as you can behind the opponent's net and try to score from coming around the net for a wrist shot on goal. You can play the World Cup of Hockey, which isn't bad. Has two mini-games that are average. Has other international leagues. Not entirely impressive gameplay.

Graphics: Good for a PS2 sports game. Not Madden, but not bad.

Sound: Could have chose better songs. All rock, which I like, but not much to my liking since I have heard 3 out of their 8 songs on Madden 05.

Value: Would recommend the purchase of NHL 2005 to diehard and even casual hockey fans.