Very good graphics, stupid "improved" AI system

User Rating: 6 | NHL 08 PS3
I expected an interesting version of this game on my PS3, according to some reviews. I was very disappointed at first, but changed my mind as I learned the new AI system.

EA changed the AI system and it took me a few time to understand that the major change is the defensive system. If one do not take care of this new fact, he will probably note the game with a very low note as I did at first.

I gave a 5.0 at first, but changed the note to 8.5 after all.

Very good graphics. The game itself becomes very interesting as you play. You can forget the way you used to play with previous release of this game.

I repeat, take the time the learn the new playing system, because you'll throw it to the waste if you expect a kind of NHL 07 PC version.

I retract 1 point because of the multiplayer that is not running very well and 0.5 because of the AI that is weird sometimes.