NHL comes along with total dissapointment with its 08 game of the series.

User Rating: 6 | NHL 08 PC
From the early years of the PC, EA sports annualy released a game wich has to do with ice hockey. Every year the developers added new features and new things. But finally, it seems that they are out of ideas.

In fact, the game has not anything to introduce, expect from new rosters and kits, and the skill stick. The skill stick is a valuable tool for attacking breakouts and will solve all your problems if you use it properly. Unfortunately, the PC controls don't help at all, and make it tougher to use. But the major problem with the skill stick is that it makes opposite defences seem ridiculous, even the best ones.

Apart from the skill stick, the game offers only some upgrades in the dynasty mode, which is good enough. Nevertheless, there is a great possibility to face great finiancial problems or to lose almost every game by the time you don't play by yourself. In an attemt to make a hard-like-real dynasty, the developers failed, thus making a harder-than-real dynasty mode.

The visuals, sounds, and every on-the-pitch issue is almost the same as in 07: good graphics, average sound and an average performance.

NHL 08 is not advancing the series. However, it is still entertaining and interesting, but in my opinion it should be approached only by older playeres of the NHL series.