Innovative and much more exciting than the other ones but the controls can get you frustrated...

User Rating: 7.5 | NHL 08 X360

This game is a big step up from previous versions. The new skill stick enables you to pull off amazing moves and various new plays. The create a player and create a team are also more improved from NHL 08's precedors as it has many more customizing options. Practice modes are also a large part about this game. You can pretty much practice any play down to a certain person doing a specific part of it.


This game can be very frustrating. As the dekeing and shooting are both controlled by the right toggle, if you dont push straight forward with a certain speed (hoping to shoot), then your player will do a deke. For less experienced players it can be very challenging as they will see themselves dekeing back and forth in front of the next and eventually being checked. Another factor that is lacking in this game is the commentating. The commentators are very dry, and although they may use hockey lingo here and there, they dont say much during the game.


With a couple of online updates this game could be incredible. Showing up any other hockey game ever made. Yet, due to certain flaws, I'm still not sure it's as great as portrayed. I have no doubt that if you played this game ALOT then you could eventually become good enough to ignore the skill stick flaw, but the road getting there is frustrating to many players.