Expect More

User Rating: 5 | NHL 08 PC
I exprect more from NHL 08. The gameplay for NHL 08 is boring. I don`t know why. But I like NHL 2000 to 2002 more than NHL 08. Eventho NHL 2000 don`t have the grate graphic with it. NHL 2000 to 2002 is much more fun then NHL 08. I expect NHL 08 graphic would be a lot nicer but I guess it is all the same like NHL 07. Izit a copy paste game. I mean like they copy the NHL 07 and paste to make NHL 08? NHL 00 and NHL 02 is much more fun. The colour-commentator for NHL 02 is fun to hear. Lots of humor. But in NHL 08? It iust like another EA Sports games, they are running out of ideas to impress gamers. For example, I like FIFA 97 to 2001. FIFA 2002 to FIFA 08 dosen`t impress me at all. Yeah the graphic is awesome from FIFA 01 but come on... You need to change the gameplay and other features to impress fans. Plz fix all of this. I am still a EA fans. Plz fix the gameplay! Make it fun to play!