Revolution in hockey games. NHL 08 delivers a great new installment to the series.

User Rating: 8.5 | NHL 08 PS3
Just anonther hockey games. Not this time. NHL 08 takes a huge step by adding new stick controle, great graphics, and better overall gameplay. This new game adds stick controle threw the joy stick, not buttons. I have to say that is what seperates this game from previous NHL games. The stick controle is what makes the game different because you have to push the stick forward to take a wrist shot, pull it back than puch it forward to take a slap shot. Pull the stick back to fake a shot and move it side to side to deck. Enough about the stick controle, the graphics are great. It now is just expected for NHL games to have good graphics and this one met my expectation by a long shot looking more real than ever before. In this game the players look exactly like the do in reality. They did look good before but now there better. In this game ALL the fans are done well and some have shirts from the away team. In previous NHL games the fans in the back were 2D and all identical and every last person was there for the home team. A side from that the ice net and boreds look good and are very well detailed. The sound is also realistic. The puck shots sound like your actually there and when your on pratice mode the puck shots sound as if they were taken in an emty room. The annoucers voice is also good. In this game it sounds like he actually. Its not exact but better than before. For and example it sounds like this. "Shot by Crosby!" or "Saved by Turco!" In older NHL game that would sound more like this. "Shot by, Crosby!" and "Saved by, Turco!" The game is perfect though. The controles are sometimes clunky and unresponsive. I get annoed when that happens when on a break away or on defence.